Gene Drive Governance Projects


Gene drive governance for malaria control in Africa

Understanding how to build capacity for African expertise to shape gene drive governance


Inclusive and international risk assessment

Building a framework for gene drive organisms through collaboration


Co-producing knowledge across disciplines and borders

Examining co-development of gene drive mosquitoes in the UK and Mali


Gene drive governance for climate adaptation and conservation

Investigating global governance frameworks 

Risk assessment co-development across disciplines and borders

Understanding Ugandan stakeholder contributions to gene drive risk assessment


Talking about gene drive

Exploring how language can enable deliberation of gene drive in four continents

Gene drive squirrels in the UK

Mapping the scientific, social, ethical, and governance issues in the use of gene drive for managing invasive species

Responsible governance of gene drive for invasive species in the UK

Developing a team of academics and stakeholders to co-produce a larger project on this topic