Talking about gene drive
Exploring how language can enable deliberation of gene drive in four continents
Project goals
This project investigates the language and communication of gene drive in cross-cultural contexts.
It brings together social scientists from the UK (University of Exeter, University of Nottingham), US (North Carolina State University), Australia (Australian National University, CSIRO) and Uganda (Gulu University, University of Makerere) to explore how gene drive technology is presented in international media, how it is discussed by diverse stakeholders, and how language is being used to support engagement and decisions-making for gene drive.
Wellcome Trust and CSIRO
What we did
We conducted a media analysis across the UK, USA, Uganda and Australia.
We conducted 40 interviews with stakeholders in the UK, USA, Uganda and Australia, four focus groups in the UK and USA, and 4 focus groups in Uganda. We conducted 2 further focus groups in the UK with a focus on gene drive squirrels for conservation.
We are in the process of making a short research film.
What we learned
Our media analysis reveals a new focus on responsibility in media reporting emanating from the gene drive community. This new focus builds consensus around gene drive by emphasizing the moral authority of the scientific community through the evocation of moral attributes, especially scientific responsibility, caution, transparency and commitment to democratic values. This new focus suggests scientists are seen as part of society, working with publics, listening to their views and acting on them.
We are in the process of analysing the interview and focus group data.
Activities and outputs
Hartley S, Stelmach A, Opesen C, Openjuru G and Neema S Talking about gene drive in Uganda: The need for science communication to underpin engagement. Science Communication.
Film Gene Drive Mosquitoes (see film page to access)
Hartley S, Stelmach A, Delborne JA, Barnhill-Dilling SK 2023 Moving beyond narrow definitions of gene drive: Diverse perspectives and frames enable substantive dialogue among science and humanities teachers in the US and UK. Public Understanding of Science.
Russell AW, Stelmach A, Hartley S, Carter L, Raman S 2022 Opening up, closing down, or leaving ajar? How applications are used in engaging with publics about gene drive. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 9(2), 151-172.
Stelmach A, Nerlich B, Hartley S 2022 Gene drives in the UK, US and Australian press (2015-2019): How a new focus on responsibility is shaping science communication. Science Communication, 44(2), 143-168
Nerlich B and Stelmach A 2022 Gene drive communication: Exploring experts’ lived experience of metaphor use. New Genetics and Society, 41(1), 3-22.
Stelmach A, Nerlich B, Hartley S 2021 ‘Gene drive technology in the UK, US and Australian press: Exploring tensions between responsible research and responsible science communication’. Paper presentation at the Public Communication of Science and Technology conference, University of Aberdeen, 25 May.
Stelmach A, Nerlich B, Hartley S 2020 ‘Waging a war against pests and diseases: Responsible communication and 'gene drive' metaphors in the American, British and Australian press, 2015-2019’. Paper presentation at the Institute for Science and Society seminar series, University of Nottingham, 18 November.