Professor Brigitte Nerlich (UK)




University of Nottingham, School of Sociology and Social Policy, Institute for Science and Society




Emeritus Professor of Science, Language, and Society at the Institute for Science and Society (School of Sociology and Social Policy).

I studied French and Philosophy in Germany and gained a DrPhil in French linguistics. After a postdoc in general linguistics at Oxford I moved to Nottingham.

My current research focuses on the cultural and political contexts in which metaphors and other framing devices are used in the public, policy and scientific debates about synthetic biology and climate change.


Expert in the study of media representations of genetics, genomics, microbiomics, synthetic biology, infectious diseases and climate change, with a focus on metaphorical framings and their implications for public understanding.


Making Science Public blog

Key Publication References

Martin P, Morrison M, Turkmendag I, Nerlich B, McMahon A, de Saille S & Bartlett A 2020 Genome editing: The dynamics of continuity, convergence, and change in the engineering of life New Genetics and Society 39(2) 219-242

Nerlich B, Stelmach A & Ennis C 2020 How to do things with epigenetics: an investigation into the use of metaphors to promote alternative approaches to health and social science, and their implications for interdisciplinary collaboration Social Science Information 59(1) 59-92

Greenhough B, Read CJ, Lorimer J, Lezaun J, McLeod C, Benezra A, Bloomfield S, Brown T, Clinch M, Dumitriu A, Evans J, Fawcett N, Fortané N, Hall LJ, Herrera CEG, Hodgetts T, Johnson KV, Kirchhelle C, Krzywoszynska A, Lambert H, Monaghan T, Nading A, Nerlich B, Singer AC, Szymanski E & Wills J 2020 Setting the agenda for social science research on the human microbiome Palgrave Communications 6(1) 1-11

Nerlich B 2020 Encounters between Life and Language: Codes, Books, Machines and Cybernetics Nottingham French Studies 59(3) 311-332

McLeod C & Nerlich B 2017 Synthetic biology, metaphors and responsibility. Life Sciences, Society and Policy 13(1) 1-13

Müller R, Hanson C, Hanson M et al (19 more authors - including Nerlich B) 2017 The biosocial genome?: Interdisciplinary perspectives on environmental epigenetics, health and society EMBO Reports, pp 1677-1682

For more information see Google Scholar


Dr Riley Taitingfong (USA)


Professor Ben Raymond (UK)